Links to Our Community,
Education & References


Our Local Business Partners

  1. BulletWe are an industry partner with OCAD University’s Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab)

  2. BulletBanking: Alterna Savings and Credit Union Ltd.

  3. BulletAccounting:  Tim Minthorn and Associates

  4. BulletTax: Melani Norman Accounting Services

  5. BulletLegal: Natalie McFarlane at Positive Impact Law Group – A Certified Benefit Corporation.

  6. BulletTechnology: easyDNS is the excellent DNS and email Service Provider.

  7. BulletGraphic Design: Nadine Shipley*

Businesses, Groups and Organizations

  1. Strongly Sustainable Business Model Group (SSBMG) at OCAD U’s Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) convened by Prof. Nabil Harfoush.

  2. B-Labs Certified Benefit Corporations and Benefit Corporations (re-incorporated as a new class of corporations). Work is starting on Ontario / Canadian legislative changes.  This is being co-ordinated by the Certified B Corporation Hub at the MaRSDD, contact is Joyce Sou.

  3. Six minute, but thorough introduction to B Corps from CBC Radio One’s Donna Guzik.

  4. Longer video introduction to B Corps from B Lab founder Jay Coen Gilbert.

  5. 1 hour video overview from Bob Willard, Joyce Sou and Barry Martin @ Green Enterprise Toronto Meeting

  6. Toronto based B Corp Meet-up Group.

  7. The Natural Step Canada a science based NGO which takes a practical approach to helping organizations of all kinds and their leaders improve their sustainability based on their rigorously defined system conditions for sustainability using a backcasting approach.

  8. Green Enterprise Toronto (GET) and their GETSmart speakers series for Small and Medium Business

  9. GreenTbiz empowering Toronto Small and Medium Business and Business Improvement Areas to take a hands-on approach to improving our sustainability.

  10. Partners in Project Green (PPG), Canada’s largest Eco-Business Zone (12,500 businesses and more than 355,000 employees with gross anual revenues of C$6.5 billion (2008), which represents slightly less than 0.5% of Canada’s GDP in that year). PPG is a joint project of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA)

  11. Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE) representing over 22,000 independent business members across the U.S. and Canada

  12. Toronto Sustainability Speakers Series (TSSS) for sustainability professionals in the Greater Toronto Area, created by Brad Zarnett as the major project for his Masters in Environmental Studies / Graduate Diploma in Business + Environment – a program offered jointly by Faculty of Environmental Studies and Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto

  13. International Society of Sustainability Professionals (ISSP) The world's leading professional association of sustainability practitioners

  14. Energy & Climate Change Special Interest Group (E&CC SIG) within the Canadian Association of Management Consultants (CMC-Canada)

  15. Bio-Inspired Design Community (BIDC) seeking to help designers of all kinds (products and organizations) leverage designs from the non-human natural world aka biomimicry

  16. Design with Dialogue (DwD) a community of practice where leading design thinkers try out their ideas with the community (that’s you) in a safe environment.  Convened by OCADU Prof. Peter Jones and design practitioner Greg Judelman from The Moment

  17. NetImpact and the NetImpact Chapter at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto

  18. York Sustainable Enterprise Consultants (YSEC)

  19. Unify Toronto who are bringing together a critical mass of people, organizations and networks working toward a sustainable relationship with the natural world, a fair and just society and a fulfilling, meaningful life for all humanity. And in this world-wide movement, Unify Toronto is focusing their energies on where its members live, work and play

  20. Transition Toronto (TTo) - the Toronto branch of the Transition Towns movement

  21. Business Architecture:

  22. Business Architecture Association’s white paper “Business Architecture: An Emerging Profession” showing design as the critical link between strategy and operations

  23. Business Architecture Guild’s white paper “Business Architecture: A Key Enabler for Sustainability Strategy Development and Implementation

Academic and Professional Education

  1. Graduate Diploma in Business + Environment – a program offered jointly by Faculty of Environmental Studies and Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto.

  2. Centre of Excellence for Responsible Business (CoERB) at the Schulich School of Business at York University in Toronto

  3. Sustainability Learning Centre created by Katheryn Cooper as the major project for her Masters in Environmental Studies / Graduate Diploma in in Environmental / Sustainability Education – a joint program offered by Faculty of Environmental Studies and Education at York University in Toronto

  4. DesignWorks at the University of Toronto Rotman School of Management.

Useful Books and Reference Websites

  1. Sustainability by Design: A Subversive Strategy for Transforming Our Consumer Culture (Prof. John Ehrenfeld)

  2. Me to We: Five Commitments That Can Save The Planet and Change Your Life (Prof. Bob Doppelt)

  3. Supply Side Sustainability (Profs.  Timothy Allen, Joseph Tainter, Thomas Hoekstra)  This book is summarized these 12 slides.

  4. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things (William McDonough and Prof. Michael Braungart)

  5. Managing without Growth: Slower by Design Not Disaster (Prof. Peter Victor)

  6. Green Business and Economics (Prof. Brian Milani)

* The “local” exception